Sure I’m a flirt! So what? This! I struggled against his embrace and then even though I fought against it, I found myself not struggling … I wanted him to…
Author: Dirque du Soleil
Question: Should washing, dressing, eating, etc. be mechanical and automatic? Answer: Yes, these very necessary personal habits should be completed with a minimum of energy. This will leave your thoughts…
Wake up your scalp with new electric-automatic Vitabrush! Want better looking hair? Embarrassed by falling dandruff, itching scalp? Get the new Vitabrush, the electric-automatic brush with built-in head motor. Vitabrush…
Hello there, Video Rangers! On all my perilous adventures in the far corners of the earth, the ability to remain alert, to think and act wisely and quickly in the…
Baby beatniks go to a party in Brighton, Australia. They look like really cool kittens.