The Authors

The Artist

Eric Hatheway is a formally trained fine artist, visual designer and photographer based in Tulsa, Oklahoma U.S.A. Eric successfully combined a marketing degree and an art degree to create a design studio that operated in Tulsa for 25 years serving clients around the world. Currently, Eric works by special arrangement and commission with an emphasis on designing brands, fine art production and fine art photographic works.

You can draw anything I can, just don’t.

Dirque du Soleil

Vintage Culture Correspondent

He’s from the past so he’s knows the future. Dirque du Soleil hails from the San Fernando Valley in Southern California where he was raised by hippie acrobats who eventually left him to join a French circus. After his parents left, Dirque survived by appearing in several “off-the-lot” film productions and by giving Hustle lessons at the local discotheque. Even though he was never on Love Boat, he has served as a consultant for many 70s revival television shows over the years.

I’m from the past, so I know the future.”

Rude Boy

Pop Culture Correspondent

“Ruder than you.”

Gin Finger

Party & Lifestyle Correspondent

“One more little drinky winky?”

D.J. Super Buffet

Food & Drink Correspondent

“Living the Super Buffet lifestyle.”

The Webmaster

The I.T. Guy From DeVry

But still, I love technology..Hello, I’m the most awesome WebMaster here at I’m not going to tell you my name because I really like the name “Webmaster“. It sounds like a cage fighter’s name. It’s an awesome job. I don’t have to pay for the internet by the minute any more.

I love technology, peace! Always and forever.

The Shrinemaster

El Vez Jones

Introducing El Vez Jones, our Shrinemaster. This very mysterious Luchador arrived here from parts unknown in a vintage white Cadillac and a matching suit. We’re pretty sure he comes from somewhere in South America, given his penchant for wearing colorful and finely crafted Mexican wrestling masks (el mascara). He wears a different wrestling mask to the shrine every day.

Taking care of business.


Sales & Marketing

Yeah, hi, this is Bill Lumbergh, the sales manager here at We’re going to be selling a little art here and there. Yeah, on some t-shirts, maybe some framed prints, and even some posters or what-not. So, if you could maybe buy some, that would be great.
