To early join me. Breathe much foul air. Drink alcoholic liquors. Eat midnight suppers. Eat lots of rich food. Bolt your food or wash it down with large amounts of…
Category: Vintage Life
Vintage Life Posts
The pounding beat … the vibes … the far-out sound … These are all that matter! They’re my entire life!
Frozen chicken livers and crunchy chow mein noodles! Nothing says “awful” like this dish does. You can serve it with some mandarin oranges and a big glass of water if…
Patrick S. Rizzo, Detroit auto worker, puts finishing touches to a mechanical man he built in his spare time during the past eight years. His son, Vincent, eight, watches the…
FREE! 2 for 1 passes if you see it all! EXTRA! On stage – The Beatles singing for you. Magically transformed! WIN! Real live baby will be given away walking…
Young men’s three-button notch lapel style. Very distinctively styled. Order yours today!
Flying cars, mail delivery by parachute … but more importantly, where is my damn jet pack? I want my jet pack!
Her: “You must choose between your records and me.” Him: “Just let this song finish and I’ll help you pack.”
The coolest sportswear this side of heaven. It’s “cooler on the inside.” Featuring the “Scotch Luck” gift coin that always makes Father a winner!
Oh, yes! Perhaps you’d like to know how I knew all about you! There is one thing that is different about us Lowandos! Our concealed third eye! It is ……
The object of a bathing suit is to get men to look at you. Make them know it!
By the year 2000 every American will be born a bastard! How you bastards doin’ so far?
Being firmly convinced that flying saucers from a neighboring planet are visiting us periodically to observe us, I am fearful, not of the saucers themselves, but of the panic reaction…