This is Mrs. Filbert’s New Idea … Make a cake with mayonnnaise! Now, you must watch Mrs. Filbert cook up a storm in this 1979 television advertisement. Sadly, we never…
Category: Vintage Life
Vintage Life Posts
Here are your official Hints for the Home Bar Hints For The Home Bar is a small section of the Fleischmann’s Mixer’s Manual, a popular cocktail guide published in several…
Hey! What’s with strange clothes and groovy music? It’s the mod scene! Mod is a subculture that began in 1960s Britain. The Mods focused on music and fashion. The subculture is rooted in a small…
Synchronized Suitcase Swimming Once it was decided to not use the suitcases, it became a Summer Olympic Sport beginning in 1984. But, call it Synchronized Swimming now okay?
Sounds Like Whizzing Through Space! Why, it’s the Space Pilot Helmet, a Tarco Toy. 1952 … Pre-Sputnik Period Space Toys Basically a plastic beanie with a pin-wheel attached.
Vintage Hams Whether it be Sunday, Easter, Christmas, Funeral, Church Socials, Miscellaneous Gatherings … it doesn’t matter. Just add the ham! Bon appétit!
Keep The Beat Little Man! Just make sure he gets some snacks after awhile, okay?
In 1955, Jockey Briefs trying to sell their boys undergarments by showing young boys shoving guns down their underwear. No word on if the campaign was successful or not, but Jockey…
The Hollywood Finger Cigarette Ring Holds your cigarette while your hand relaxes. No hazard of dropping your cigarette while fatigued. No more nicotine finger stains. Leaves both hands free for…
Gelatin is a colorless and translucent foodstuff. It is derived from the collagen harvested from various animal by-products. Gelatin is commonly used as a gelling agent in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, photography…
Introducing the Mid-Century Morgue & Kitchen Combo! Did you notice the cremation option?