(God Laughs At) People Like Us

This music video clip is from the 1986 movie True Stories by the Talking Heads. John Goodman, playing the lovable bachelor Louis Fyne, sings a very good version of the notable Talking Heads song People Like Us.

Louis Fyne, Country Western Singer and Varicorp Employee

The film was directed by none other than David Byrne and he acts and narrates the film as well. Very creative, unusual and funny movie. Highly recommended for anyone with a good sense of humor who wants to see something very different.

And, here’s the clip from the film …

Who will answer the telephone?

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Author: Dirque du Soleil

He's from the past so he's knows the future. Dirque du Soleil hails from the San Fernando Valley in Southern California where he was raised by hippie acrobats who eventually left him to join a French circus. After his parents left, Dirque survived by appearing in several “off-the-lot” film productions and by giving Hustle lessons at the local discotheque. Even though he was never on Love Boat, he has served as a consultant for many 70s revival television shows over the years.