Greetings From Tulsa, Oklahoma

Greetings From Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tulsa, Oklahoma once hosted a very redneck type of event called the Great Raft Race from 1973 to 1991. It was an extreme redneck parade of floating contraptions trying to “race” down a dirty sandy Arkansas River.

But, someone had the bright idea to bring back the race again this year in 2015. Same dirty sandy river but the city council wants to change that because you need to see people and water in the river when you vote for $300 million in dams to make the river another entertainment and retail district. It’s all part of their plan.

Great Raft Race

Bringing back Okie y’all … 

Downtown Tulsa has been somewhat successfully revitalized what with the Brady Entertainment District (not to be confused with a real Arts District). Tulsa wants to grow up and be like Dallas or Nashville. Noble ambitions for sure.

Well, nothing says modern progressive city on the move like a bunch of rednecks floating down the dirty Arkansas River on homemade rafts. Right? Thanks for bringing back Okie, Tulsa! You just took three steps backwards.

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Author: Rude Boy

Ruder than you.