Howard Johnson’s: Landmark For Hungry Americans

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Howard Johnson's Landmark for Hungry Americans

The Howard Johnson’s brand is a chain motels, hotels and restaurants in North America. Often called Ho Jo’s this chain of outlets became the largest restaurant chain in the 1960s and the 1970s. At its peak, Howard Johnson’s had over 1,000 sites including both company and franchised outlets.

Howard Johnson's 1

Above all, Howard Johnson’s restaurants were known for a unique ice cream originated by it’s founder, uh, Howard Johnson. His ice cream contained a lot of butterfat which made the 28 flavors more tasty. ’28’ Flavors became his trademark.

Howard Johnson's Ice Cream

You could always spot a HoJo’s while driving about or on a car trip by the chain’s very unique design of orange roofs, weather vanes and cupolas. The design motif was used for the hotel and motel sites as well. Howard Johnson’s grew as the American highway and turnpike system grew.

Ho Jo's Food

In 1975, Howard Johnson’s had more than 1,000 restaurants and 500 motor lodges. Sadly, this was its peak year. Highway travel in the United States seriously declined in the 70s due to an oil embargo and runaway inflation.

Howard Johnson's 2

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Author: Super Buffet

Living the Super Buffet Lifestyle

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