Robot Model B-9
Model B-9 Environmental-Control Robot
Who doesn’t love robots and all things robotic? Well, meet a classic robot, the B-9, Class M-3 General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot (G.U.N.T.E.R.) who was also a character in the television series Lost In Space. Robot B-9, contrary to popular belief was never called “Robby the Robot.”
Robot B-9 was designed and as a mechanized electronic aid for human Earth voyagers engaged in astral expeditions. This Robot Model B-9 had very powerful computers installed that allowed him/her/it to make extremely difficult calculations and use impeccable robot logic to deduce millions and millions of facts.
Robot B-9 possessed a variety of robotic sensors that detected numerous phenomena and dangers. He was programmed with extensive knowledge on many subjects particular to humans and was completely solar powered. Robot B-9 replicas are actually available commercially at a cost of around $25,000.
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