Earth Tone Extravaganza

Earth tone is a color scheme that draws from a color palette of browns, tans, warm grays, and greens. The colors in an earth tone scheme are muted and flat in an emulation of the natural colors found in dirt, moss, trees and rocks.

Many earth tones originate from clay earth pigments, such as umber, ochre, and sienna. Earth tone reached its peak during the 1970s in what could surely be called a reaction to the psychedelic colors of the preceding decade. Earth tones permeated every aspect of American culture during this period, from interior design to industrial design and from clothing to cars.

Earth Tones 1

Earth Tones 2

Earth Tones 3

Earth Tones 4

Earth Tones 5

Earth Tones 6

Earth Tones 7

Earth Tones 8

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Author: The Artist

Artist, Designer & Photographer