It’s Independence Day, or July 4th … enjoy some fireworks! Rockets Red Glare For Your Enjoyment! As always, thanks for visiting! And have a great holiday.
La Joconde fumant la pipe by Sapeck (1887) The Mona Lisa smoking the pipe.
It’s Caturday. Why not? #cashinginoncats #caturday Gotta get paid. Oh yeah, you’re a rocket cat … a rocket cat!!!
Friday Night = Cocktails It’s Friday night. Here are your ideas. Here are your choices. Nice place mat, by the way. Order up. It only needs to be mixed. Enjoy!
Miracles in spray cans. Pressurized mashed potatoes are now possible! Aerosol is the way …
There are eighteen stories in this naked city. Tulsa, Oklahoma … Image Copyright Eric Hatheway 2015 All Rights Reserved
A computer punch card, IBM card, or Hollerith card is a piece of stiff paper that contained either commands for controlling automated machinery or data for data processing applications. Both commands and data were represented by the presence or absence…