All the beauty and glory of ancient Rome comes alive in this exquisite pair of the world’s most famous statues. Cast in lustrous white satin smooth “New China,” Venus de…
Category: Life
Maria made a meatball soup. It was particularly awful. Suspicious rounded meat shapes and other “stuff.” We’re sure yours will look much better. Bon appétit!
Fremont Street is a street in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is the second most famous street in the Las Vegas Valley after the Las Vegas Strip. This is an uncommon view of Fremont Street in that…
This little spectator, seemingly the smallest among many, is trying to find his place for a street parade. He found his spot – on the front row. Sometimes being the smallest…
Do you want to make more money in full or spare time … as much as $30.00 per day? Then mail the coupon below for this BIG OUTFIT, sent you…
¡Bienvenido! This image is of a strange subject found in a strange space. Indeed, very strange and mostly hidden. Until now. ©2016 ¡Bienvenido! Eric Wells Hatheway All Rights Reserved Shot with…
Sea-Monkeys is a brand name for brine shrimp– a group of crustaceans that undergo what is called cryptobiosis. Sea-Monkeys were often sold in hatching kits as novelty aquarium pets. Enter…
Layer upon layer of gorgeous cheesy macaroni, custard and wieners decorated with ketchup ribbons and pimento stuffed olive bites. A fun time for all! Bon appétit!
Here is the artist at a “fashion shoot.” A strange model discovered in a strange little place. Very strange indeed. ©2016 Fashion Shoot Eric Wells Hatheway All Rights Reserved Shot with…
A very super kick ass punk rock band called The Slits was formed in the U.K. in 1976 as punk quartet of daring visionary women. These women came from bands…
The Golden Goose and Glitter Gulch are a couple of gentlemen’s clubs located on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. It seems a gentleman is leaving one of these establishments very…
These are ad men. They design, write, acquire or sell advertising to paying clients. They work hard and they play even harder. Read THIS exciting interview with Larry Tate, 20th…
Have a very happy Labor Day! la·bo·ri·ous adj. 1. Marked by or requiring long, hard work: spent many laborious hours on the project. 2. Hard-working; industrious, laborious adj. 1. involving…