Category: Life
When a drink is spiked it means that alcohol has been added to the drink. The intoxicating liquid can be added to any drink including soft drinks, juice, water or…
The Space Disintegrator Gun and Helmet! Has magnetic vibrator, operated by two standard “D” size electric torch battery cells. When trigger is pressed the gun gives off “cosmic sound vibrations”…
Radioactivity is everywhere. It is everyday life. It is a part of the Earth and it is a part of us. Radioactivity is the disintegration of atoms. Radioactivity makes things…
Here’s how to succeed with women! Wallet sized to slip in any pocket. With listings from A to Z and brief pads for personal notations. Includes a handy pen for…
Have a very happy Labor Day! la·bo·ri·ous adj. 1. Marked by or requiring long, hard work: spent many laborious hours on the project. 2. Hard-working; industrious, laborious adj. 1. involving…