It’s Gilbey Time! Have you tried “gin and tonic?” Overnight it has become the most popular mixed drink. So easy to fix. Especially with Gilbey’s – the largest selling gin…
Category: Life
1970s RV Interiors (Part 1 of 3) A recreational vehicle (RV) is the preferred term for a motor vehicle or trailer equipped with living space and amenities found in a home. A typical RV includes a kitchen, a bathroom…
Cigarette Holder For Nudists Faced with the problem of carrying cigarettes when no pockets were available, a delegate to a recent nudist convention devised the holder. The leather case is…
Awful Food: Pie Plate Salad And here is the recipe, if you dare. Bon appétit!
Photo Study: Vespa Live to ride. Ride to live. Vespa ©2015 Eric Wells Hatheway All Rights Reserved
The Weekend Starts Here Who knows where the weekend will lead? Have fun, but stay safe. If you can.
The Hanky Panky Apron Would you believe – an apron with sex appeal! Nothing else like it in the world! Sexy lace bra and garter are hand printed in black…
Photo Study: Fair Fare At the annual Tulsa State Fair in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Fair Fare ©2015 Eric Wells Hatheway All Rights Reserved
Focus, man. Focus. “If you could stop staring at my titanium cumberbund for two seconds we can move on with the lesson.” Focus, man. Focus.
Check The Picture You Prefer Surely you have a preference? You don’t have to be a “genius” ….
Awful Food: Lobster Relish And, here is the recipe if you dare … Bon appétit!
Life Begins On Friday Night Yes, it does. Yes, it does. Have fun and stay safe!
The Third Surgery Is The Charm? Well, it’s that time again – for some surgery. Who doesn’t like surgery and all that is involved? Who doesn’t want to look like…