Cupid is the god of desire, affection and erotic love. He is the son of goddess Venus and god Mars. In popular culture, Cupid is frequently shown shooting his bow…
Category: Life
This alien looking object is an Osage orange, also called a horse apple or hedge apple, and it is not related to the orange fruit you are familiar with. This…
The Undeniable Genius of Larry Tate We recently caught up with advertising icon and genius Larry Tate in the men’s grill at the ultra-posh country club where some of the…
You can now find me on the new social network MeWe. This new social network is “built on trust, control, and love.” User Name: erichatheway URL:
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For safety’s sake, always check you surroundings before backing up in a vehicle. You just never know what might be back there.
Effective immediately, all sharing buttons, social or otherwise, have been removed from our 4,015 posts until further notice. As a courtesy, a cut and paste option is still available to…