Category: Vintage Life
Vintage Life Posts
May we present, with much pride, The Wipers! Rock on! Or, wipe on! (Hygiene is not a requirement for rock ‘n’ roll, but these guys have it down.)
If you don’t eat your meat. You can’t have any pudding. How can you you have any pudding? If you don’t eat your meat? So eat your meat, or they’ll…
In honor of Mad Men’s final season …. Undoubtedly one of the most shocking and disgusting scenes in television history, Roger Sterling, advertising executive, loses his lunch in the lobby…
Mister Pickle Takes A Dip From a 1958 advertisement for Heinz Pickles … Nobody makes dill pickles like Heinz! Fresh as Spring!
Here is a very cheesy scenario portrayed in a small pictorial for a 1950s era mens magazine. Cheesecake is particular genre of photography featuring scantily clothed attractive women. It has also been called leg art. The use of pasted-in captions…
Do you draw or paint? You are in demand if you can draw. Close cover before striking match! And remember … You are a man if you can draw! ……
Meet Chef Boyardee! That man on the can of Mini Raviolis that you’re about open – who is he? He’s on all the cans – always smiling proudly and always…
What Is A Teen-Ager? A teen-ager is the atom bomb in blue jeans … She is life, bursting at the seams … Young womanhood, walking in bobby socks and loafers…