Old Magazines: Advertising Memories (Part 1)

You know those advertisements. The ones hiding out in the back of magazines. They were printed in black-and-white and cost less than advertising in other more important locations in the magazine. You may have even started reading these publications from the back first.

The ads covered just about everything one could need as far as self-improvement goes – bust enhancement, waist slimming, hair products, photo enlargements, hormones and, of course, romance. It was all for sale at a reasonable price if you could just trust the cheaply designed advertisement and wait 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.

Get a beautiful sexier bustline!

Old Magazine Ads 1

Wrap inches away!

Old Magazine Ads 2

Try a stylish stretch wig …. 

Old Magazine Ads 3

Turn on a tummy toner!

Old Magazine Ads 4

Try the one tested, trusted body creme.

Old Magazine Ads 5

Click HERE for Part 2 …. 

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Author: Lumbergh

Yeah, hi, this is Bill Lumbergh, the sales manager here at EricHatheway.com. We’re going to be selling a little art here and there. Yeah, on some t-shirts, maybe some framed prints, and even some posters or what-not. So, if you could maybe buy some, that would be great.

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