Tripe for Stamina Are you feeding your little angel on tripe? It’s the perfect food for growing babies! Bring them to the official weigh-ins and you could win their weight…
Tag: Food & Drink
World’s Largest Cheese 34,591 Pounds 15, 690 Kilograms 17.3 Short Tons 14.44 Long Tons 15.69 Metric Tons Tons and tons of cheese … Queso anyone?
Welcome Hungry Americans! The Howard Johnson’s brand is a chain motels, hotels and restaurants in North America. Often called Ho Jo’s this chain of outlets became the largest restaurant chain…
Happy Thanksgiving 2014 When the Halloween pumpkins are gone, And the leaves have all fallen to ground, When the air has turned windy and cold, Then Thanksgiving will soon be…
Fine Art Photography by Eric Hatheway East Meets West ©2014 Eric Hatheway All Rights Reserved This image can be purchased HERE …
Cocktails & Music A perfect combination! Careful though, don’t listen too much.
Better meals … … with Gel-Cookery. Did you see that coming? We’re sure yours will look better. Bon appétit!
Vincent Price Was A Foodie! Yes, the noted master of horror, Vincent Price, was a foodie. In addition to his acting career, he enjoyed collecting art and cooking during his…
Good Eating In A Loaf! Ground meats of all kinds provide tasty loaves that make exciting, varied main dishes. Pictured here is a tasty glazed fruit ham loaf and a…
This is the … … Buffet of Bad Habits! It’s all part of living The Super Buffet Lifestyle.
Ahhh, beans! Beans, beans, the musical fruit The more you eat, the more you toot The more you toot, the better you feel So we have beans at every meal! Beans,…