A conversation piece for your table. Serve luscious homemade strawberry jam in a brandy glass!
Tag: Food & Drink
Just in time for summer! Tuna And Jell-O Pie … This hot weather delight is also known as the Summer Salad Pie. Betty Crocker called this culinary creation as “pretty as…
This is what you’ve been missing in your life …. Clowns selling food! The oddest choice for spokespeople in the history of advertising. And, the creepiest choice for spokespeople in…
Yes folks, now you can Power Up with Power Pudding! Chocolate Artificially Flavored Pudding. Made in a lab just for you. Ponch and Jon love their Power Pudding! So will you…
As most people know, Catholics eat fish on Fridays during Lent. Also, there are many Catholics who also avoid meat on Fridays throughout the rest of the year. But for those who…
The kids just left for school. It’s time for Mom’s Special Brew! Best time of the day! Oh, yeah.