My wish for you, yours and this Earth. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. Thanks for visiting and please come back often. It is very much noticed and appreciated. Thank you…
Tag: Holiday
Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think! The years go by as quickly as you wink. So be glad and live life longer than you’ve ever done. Enjoy yourself friends…
View from atop Acension Saint John Medical Center looking southeast. Utica Square Shopping Center is in the foreground.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year! Thanks for visiting and please come back often.
1621-2021 It seems that it has largely gone unnoticed, but the first Thanksgiving in North America occurred 400 years ago. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Cupid is the god of desire, affection and erotic love. He is the son of goddess Venus and god Mars. In popular culture, Cupid is frequently shown shooting his bow…
Special cookie treats! Finely chop red or green candied cherries and the pecans that go into Santa’s Whiskers so the cookies will be easier to slice. Before chilling, roll the…
Santa Smokes? Santa Smokes? Well he did, or maybe he still does. Although now he would have to go outside the toyshop to smoke his favorite cigarette. And, he certainly…
Have a very happy Labor Day! la·bo·ri·ous adj. 1. Marked by or requiring long, hard work: spent many laborious hours on the project. 2. Hard-working; industrious, laborious adj. 1. involving…
Memorial Day is a holiday in the United States that commemorates the men and women who gave their lives to their country while serving in the U.S. military. The holiday…
The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately 190 million valentines are sent each year in the United States. Half of those valentines are given to family members other than…