According to psychologists, the position of your legs can reveal your intentions and secrets. This handy guide tells you what your legs are telling everyone else. …
Tag: Style
Young men’s three-button notch lapel style. Very distinctively styled. Order yours today!
Question: Should washing, dressing, eating, etc. be mechanical and automatic? Answer: Yes, these very necessary personal habits should be completed with a minimum of energy. This will leave your thoughts…
Wake up your scalp with new electric-automatic Vitabrush! Want better looking hair? Embarrassed by falling dandruff, itching scalp? Get the new Vitabrush, the electric-automatic brush with built-in head motor. Vitabrush…
The look you want – when you want it. You will be amazed at the exciting change in you personal appearance! Wear each one independently or combine them for the…
Atomic suit inflated with conditioned air. The girl in the picture is wearing an anti-radiation suit. She is ready for her atomic job, handling a Geiger counter and protected by…
Baby beatniks go to a party in Brighton, Australia. They look like really cool kittens.
Males with long hair will be attended to last! Long hair is: Hair falling across the forehead and touching the eyebrows. Hair covering the ears. Hair reaching below an ordinary…
This is the great one! Never have we seen a suit more dramatic … more flattering … more certain to make every dress occasion one to remember! Two-tone elegance, capped…
Their eyes will open wide when they get a look at you in this huge 12″ dog ear collar shirt. The new two-tone idea is carried out in contrasting color…
A gesture drawing is a quick drawing that captures the essential features of a subject. It is the process of creating a portrait drawing in charcoal very quickly from direct…
It’s a Cookie Fortune and it’s a large framed print. Handmade original modern art using mixed media. High resolution digitally scanned, professionally printed and framed for your aesthetic enjoyment! The…
“In the future, the government will require sexual partners to wear the ‘logo’ of their partners for identification and disease protection among the general population.” ©2017 “Sex In The Future”…