Venture capital is a type of private equity, a form of financing that is provided by firms or funds to small, early-stage, emerging firms that are deemed to have high growth potential.…
Tag: Style
Solved for humans as the human that solved for the parts. Phi (Φ) equals 1.618033988749895. The ratio, or proportion, determined by Phi was known to the ancient Greeks as the “dividing a…
Made in China is a country of origin label affixed to products manufactured in the People’s Republic of China. To make things in China, things must be measured in China. Hopefully,…
Scale – the ratio of the length in a drawing to the length of the real thing. Sometimes the role of the artist is not to depict what is real but…
The Office of Works was established in the English Royal household in 1378 to oversee the building of the royal castles and residences. This piece of art is not about…
The point–line–plane postulate is a collection of assumptions (axioms) that can be used in a set of postulates for geometry in two (plane geometry), three (solid geometry) or more dimensions.…
The stylistic changes that mark the shift from the Renaissance to the Baroque are very dramatic. The Baroque era spanned a turbulent century and a half. Roughly, the Baroque era…
Stop Making Sense is a highly praised concert film that features the Talking Heads live on stage in 1983. The film was directed by Jonathan Demme and was shot over…
Form follows function is a principle of design often associated with modern architecture and modern industrial design of the 20th century. This design principle states that the shape of a…
What is a rude boy? What is a rude girl? What does ‘to be rude’ mean? Today, it simply means that you’re a dedicated member of the ska scene. If…
Generally, somewhat cheesy promotional merchandise for a band, record label, or other entity in the music business, usually distributed at concerts. May include t-shirts, stickers, promo CDs, posters, etc. Often…
Concerning art, when is the medium more valuable than the message? In this case, the medium (bronze) seems to have gained much more value lately than the visions or messages…