The Amazing Hypno-Coin

This is another of those very recognizable novelty ads that was published in comic books and various other publications during the 1950s and 1960s. The Hypno-Coin promises that it will aid in the process of hypnotizing a person in just minutes (it must work, or your money back).

An illustrated color booklet provided the instructions so that the user could thrill and amaze people at parties and other social gatherings with hypnotic stunts, feats of strength and grand displays of memory. Get yours today!

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Author: Dirque du Soleil

He's from the past so he's knows the future. Dirque du Soleil hails from the San Fernando Valley in Southern California where he was raised by hippie acrobats who eventually left him to join a French circus. After his parents left, Dirque survived by appearing in several “off-the-lot” film productions and by giving Hustle lessons at the local discotheque. Even though he was never on Love Boat, he has served as a consultant for many 70s revival television shows over the years.