The activity of looking at goods displayed in shop windows, especially without intending to buy anything, is called window shopping. ”Shopping is a feeling.”
Author: The Artist
Our tornado shelter in Logan County, Oklahoma. In this part of the country, everyone should have one – because you never know when a tornado will suddenly appear. Logan County,…
For safety’s sake, always check you surroundings before backing up in a vehicle. You just never know what might be back there.
Lobster King Harry Hackney with his Lobster Waitresses who won in Atlantic City’s Famous Beauty Pageant Parade on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Thanks Harry!
At one time, Kodak included with its Pony II camera produced from 1957 to 1962, small exposure value cards. Kodak also included these cards with some popular consumer films like…
If your picture stinks, get closer. The more you practice, the “luckier” you get. And remember, it’s a poor workman who blames his tools.
They Laughed When I Sent Away For Free Color Film … but now all my friends are sending away too! “Free Color Film”