Category: Vintage Life
Vintage Life Posts
Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! I’m expecting lots of hits from this post. Bacon is the second most popular word on the internet, next to cats. That’s probably my next post. So,…
The glass can be half empty or half full . . . As long as there’s whiskey in it. Damn straight! (says the man with the tall glass of whiskey)
So, does the suit make the man or does the man make the suit? It’s a good question, but please don’t beg the question. After all, this gentleman is obviously…
I Married An Artist! Well, what were you thinking? You’re having a good time though, aren’t you?
Serve it up! It’s the Real American Breakfast! “The most important meal of the day.” Especially on Sunday!
Welcome to the … . . . Cat Woman Fan Club! Thanks for visiting! Come again!
Lemony Salmon Tower Stars with Salad Tray A tart shimmery lemon gelatin accents rich salmon flavor in this luscious molded salad. Cucumber, celery and green pepper add a little crunch.…
Handsome buildings deserve the best in lighting. The light idea … … outdoor lighting. Lighting that stands out and stands up.
“Wow … it’s a humdinger of a breakfast!” Yeah, shredded wheat and some blueberries? We want bacon and eggs please. Thank you! The real humdinger breakfast …
There used to be a term called high-fidelity, or hi-fi for short, that was used by music fans and stereo enthusiasts to refer to a high-quality reproduction of sound in…
Solving your emotional problems will enable you … … to lead a happy, normal life! I’m quite sure.